Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement

Purpose of this Statement  

This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act (the “Act”). The Act defines
modern slavery as “slavery, servitude, and forced or compulsory labor” as well as “human
trafficking” (“modern slavery”).
This statement sets out the approach and steps taken by to ensure that
modern slavery is not taking place in any part of our business or supply chains.  

Our Business and Organisational Structure is committed to the highest level of ethical standards and sound governance
arrangements and sets high standards of impartiality, integrity, and objectivity in relation to the
management of its activities. 

We believe in the importance of doing business in ways that value and respect the human rights of
our colleagues, customers, business partners, and everyone affected by our business. 
We do not tolerate slavery, human trafficking, or forced labor in any part of our business or supply
chains. This zero-tolerance approach is reflected in how we are embedding human rights
considerations across our business. is opposed to slavery and human trafficking and therefore the Company will
not knowingly support or do business with any organization involved in slavery or human trafficking. 
We fight for better and seek out ways to improve the things that matter most to our customers and
colleagues. We are committed to upholding the standards set out in the United Nations (“UN”)
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labor Organisation (“ILO”) Standards
and the Human Rights Act 1998, amongst others.  

We believe that the most relevant human rights to its business are the right to just and favorable
working conditions, the right to be free from discrimination, the protection of minorities, and the right to
be free from compulsory labor. It is important to us to promote an open and honest dialogue
within our business and our employees are encouraged to raise concerns. As a financial services
company, we have assessed and considered the risk of modern slavery existing within our business to
be low.  

However, we respect and acknowledge that modern slavery is a global issue, and that no economy,
industry or sector is exempt and we are fully committed to complying with the objectives of the Act.