Warning: Late repayment can cause you serious money problems. For help, go to moneyhelper.org.uk/en. We are a credit broker not a lender
Complaints Policy
Instantperfectloans.co.uk, its employees, broker partners, contractors, and businesses with which it trades as part of a Network, strive to offer a high level of customer satisfaction for any product or service that is promoted to you. In the unlikely event that we fail to achieve these high standards, the following policy sets out how you can complain to us. In the event that your complaint relates to one of our trading partners, we will advise them and you accordingly. All our trading partners have their own policies which are compliance checked and approved by the Director prior to any form of consumer engagement.
Please could customers contact us via email in the first instance whilst we make changes in response to COVID-19?
There will be more email cover than telephone cover and you may receive a response more efficiently via email.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
At Instantperfectloans.co.uk we aim to offer consumers a high level of service. Should we fail to deliver on our commitment to deliver this high standard, we would like to hear from you and be given an opportunity to put things right. We have made it as easy as possible to contact us: you can either email our Customer Services at: info@Instantperfectloans.co.uk, you can write to us at Instantperfectloans.co.uk, 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, England, WC1N 3AXor call us at 03300945237. To make it easier for us to locate your details and deal with your complaint thoroughly and quickly, please provide us with your full name, full address (including postcode) your home telephone number, mobile telephone number, email address, and date of birth.
Upon receipt of your complaint, we will attempt to contact you within 5 working days with the intention of fully resolving any issues you may have experienced. If we fail to resolve the complaint to your full satisfaction within this time frame, we will commence a formal investigation process. On commencement of our formal investigation, we will write to you to acknowledge your complaint and provide you with a named contact who will deal with your complaint from start to finish. From the date of your initial complaint, our aim is to respond to you within a four-week period, and fully conclude our investigation with a final response within an eight-week period. If we are unable to issue a final response within this time frame (due to external circumstances or reliance on a third-party entity) we will write to you explaining why.
If you are not satisfied with our final response, or you have not received a response after 8 weeks, you can refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service free of charge. You must approach them within six months of our final response, we will remind you of the time limit in our final response.
The Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
E14 9SR
web: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk
email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk
Contact center – 0800 023 4567
(Calls to this number are normally free from a landline but mobile networks may charge to